

Saturday, September 25, 2010

An Exposé on Two Tea Party Candidates and a Stephen Colbert Gem!

The following exposé is a look at two of the most controversial of the "Tea Party" candidates who have recently won the Republican nomination for the Senate race in their home state. While I don't live in Delaware or Nevada and won't be voting in either of these mid-term elections, I want to point out that a win for these candidates can not only have an impact on my life here in North Carolina, but for citizens of every other state in the nation. Should they be elected, the votes they cast in the Senate can have an impact on a large majority of citizens in this country. If you are not happy with a Democratic candidate, before you cast your vote for the alternative as a vote against a Democrat, you need to know what type of a person you will be putting into a position that can impact your life and the lives of U.S. citizens now and in the future. Both of these candidates are the extreme of the extremists.  I want to do my due diligence in making their statements of belief that are not based in fact pointed out and corrected for the record. I also want to raise some challenges to the positions that are the ultimate definition of hypocrisy. I start off with a satirical look at Christine O'Donnell as only Stephen Colbert can do.

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Delaware Republican Senate Candidate, Christine O'Donnell
Quite honestly, the candidate Christine O'Donnell has done little more than provide a few new bizarre quotes since her Primary win.  She has been a career campaigner, but she has little in the way of substantive comments on important political issues.  She has a repertoire of sound bites on topics from masturbation to Socialism to the Hitler Youth.  She has state that she will no longer do interviews at the national level and canceled appearances she had booked on the Sunday talk shows.  Somehow, she still had time for FOX news and granted Sean Hannity an interview.  She limits the amount of questions she is willing to answer at fund raising and campaign rallies to about one or two.  So, unless she comes through with some solid campaign platforms, offers up what she believes to be the challenges that face Americans and what she proposes to do in order to be a part of the solution, it leaves little for the voter to make an informed decision.

Here's a few of the most repeated quotes:

"It is not enough to be abstinent with other people, you also have to be be abstinent alone. The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can't masturbate without lust." I refer you back the Stephen Colbert video for further commentary on this statement.

"We took the Bible and prayer out of public schools. Now we're having weekly shootings. We had the 60s sexual revolution, and now people are dying of AIDS." So, separation of Church and State, which she DOESN'T agree with,  has led to the deadly shootings in schools and other places and with the use of guns that are protected under the 2nd amendment, which she  holds sacred.  A sexual revolution in the 60's, predominantly associated with "heterosexual" promiscuity is what she claims led to AIDS, but in other statements, she has claimed that AIDS is all the result of homosexuality.  Which is it?

"America is now a socialist economy. The definition of a socialist economy is when 50% or more your economy is dependent on the federal government." First of all, after researching at least 10 different sources for the definition of Socialism, NONE of them matched up to her definition. This was the most common definition I found:
a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

The portion of the U.S. population that screams the loudest that America is becoming a Socialist country is the group with the most wealth.  They covet their tax breaks and loopholes and when they lose those tax shelters, all of the sudden the "government" is taking over all aspects of business in the country.  So, all those companies that are active on the NASDAQ that are publicly owned by stockholders, I guess those are just figments of our imagination?  All the master plan of government mind control and brain washing?

“Bureaucrats and politicians in Washington think they should decide what kind of light bulb we should use, what kind of toilet we flush, what kind of car we should drive. They even want unelected panels of bureaucrats to decide who gets what life-saving treatment. … They'll let your teenage daughter buy an abortion, but they won’t let her buy a sugary soda in her school’s vending machine." -- September 17, 2010  Here we go with the non-existent "Death Panels" again!  We don't want there to be any funding for reproductive health and the government has no business involving themselves in the matters of teenage reproductive services, BUT, if that same child is a victim of rape or incest, you want the government to step in and mandate that the child MUST have a baby that was conceived as the result of rape or incest?

“He’s soooo liberal. He’s anti-American. … He’s beating the ‘change’ drum. But let’s look at the change. He did not vote for English as the official language. What does that say?” -- January 7, 2008, This same candidate who has touted the word of God and the holy Bible when it comes to masturbation must have forgotten about "Judge not, that ye be not judged."  When has it become okay in the Christian philosophy to label people, especially when it's a hate-infused label?

“Adolph [sic] Hitler once said that to engineer a society you must first engineer its language. Starting with the youth, he set in motion a design to erode the power of words, to steal the significance and beauty of a single word. We can see the unfolding of that plan in our society. Society’s 'sexual liberation' has unleashed an entirely new lexicon. For example, 'gay' has always meant joyful and gleeful. Yet, today, when we say that Ellen is gay, we’re certainly not talking about her emotional well being.” -- November 9, 1998, Being gay is now six degrees of separation to Hitler?

"If I were in that situation [hiding Jews from the Nazis, and conflicted about whether to tell a lie in order to save them] ... God would provide a way to do the right thing." -- August 1998, I guess the "Christians" who turned in MILLIONS of Jews that were then sent to concentration camps and exterminated were the "Christians" who didn't have their frequency set to the receive the message to do the right thing.

Nevada Republican Senate Candidate, Sharon Angle:

On Health Care
When speaking at a recent political rally, Sharon Angle suggested that autism benefits should be denied because of their expense to the general community.  Her tone not only implied that autism is a fictitious disorder, but that if a medical condition didn't apply to her, it shouldn't impact her in any other way either.  With that line of reasoning, if she doesn't have cancer right now, she shouldn't have to pay for anything to do with cancer in her insurance premium.  It's not her problem.  The whole definition of insurance is to protect against unforeseen tragedy, accidents and loss.  You are paying for something you may be fortunate enough to NEVER have to use, but you have it there, just in case, to financially assist you should the situation present itself.  You pay for piece of mind until you really need it and then shift to sleepless nights wondering how you are going to pay for the portion you are responsible for when you experience a ill health or a life threatening disease.

Roe vs. Wade
On the subject of abortion, she opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest.  She has advised rape and incest victims, to make "a lemon situation into lemonade" -- the "lemon situation" being the rape or incest and the "lemonade" being giving birth to, and raising, the child.  In another interview justifying her belief that women who have been raped or victims or incest should not have access to abortion, Angle said, "God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives and that he can intercede in all kinds of situations and we need to have a little faith in many things."  So, to all the rape and incest victims who will live with the memory and the traumatic impact on their lives until possibly their dying day, they should just get over it and have faith that the rape or repeated instances of incest by a family member were part of a "Supreme Being's" ultimate plan.  I wonder if she's ever spent time at a rape trauma unit?  Has she spent time going to a support group for victims of rape and incest and asked them how they are coping with the crimes perpetrated on them, days, months and years later and then ask them how they feel about having a right to choose taken away from them?

Unemployment and Job Creation
During an interview with John Ralston on his show, "Face to Face"  Sharon Angle was asked about the recent historical problem with unemployment and her view on the extension of unemployment benefits.  I will let her words speak for themselves and provide the counter to her statements with the facts.

"I would have voted no, because the truth about it is that they keep extending these unemployment benefits to the point where people are afraid to go out and get a job because the job doesn't pay as much as the unemployment benefit does." Fact:  The average for weekly unemployment compensation, which can only be received by those people out of work THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN is $300 per week.  That equates to $7.50 per hour ($15,600 per year), or .25¢ more per hour than a minimum wage job ( $15,184 per year assuming you can find a full time job).  The average income for an individual in the U.S. prior to being laid off was $39,336 per year.  "And what we really need to do is put people back to work."  Fact: "DUH"  "As your US Senator, I'm not in the business of creating jobs."  Question:  Then what is your job and why should you be elected?
Ralston then played a clip of Angle, explaining her position: "You can make more money on unemployment than you can going down and getting one of those jobs that is an honest job but it doesn't pay as much. We've put in so much entitlement into our government that we really have spoiled our citizenry."
RALSTON: SO you're saying that these tens of thousands of Nevadans, they're sitting on their couches, they're all spoiled, they don't want to go out and get a job, and I'm going to cut off your benefits. That's your attitude.
ANGLE:   It's not what I'm implying. What I'm implying is that there are some jobs out there that are available. Because they have to enter at a lower grade and they cannot keep their unemployment they have to make a choice. We're making them make a choice between unemployment benefits and going back to work and working up through the ranks of that job and actually building up a good wage again and building up some seniority in that job. And what we need to do is make that unemployment benefit go down, not just completely remove the safety net from them while they go out and look for a job.
RALSTON: So you're saying if people lose their jobs through no fault of their own, as many have during this recession, Sharron Angle's solution is to cut their unemployment benefits so low so they're somehow gonna go out and find jobs that don't exist? How does that make any sense?
ANGLE: There are jobs that do exist. That's what we're saying, is that there are jobs. But those are entry-level jobs.   Fact:  For every potential job opening in the U.S. today, on average there are 5 people who need that job.  Prior to the recession, there was 1.5 people who needed a job vs. every job opening.  That assumes also that the unemployment rate is the same around the country!  There are states, such as the state I live in, that have unemployment rates higher than the U.S. average, equating to even more people fighting for every single job that opens up.  The U.S. average unemployment rate is 9.6% right now and that number does not take into account people who are "under-employed" or who have taken part time or temporary versus permanent full time work they once had.  It also doesn't take into account people who have given up looking for work altogether out of frustration.  Since the recession began in 2007, 7.3 million jobs have disappeared and nearly 2.5 million homes have been repossessed.
On "Taking Back Our Country"
"You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact, you know, Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years."
"I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this, this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies, they're saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? And I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out."  Is that a threat on the Senate Majority Leader's life and/or a cry to incite violence?  Under this line of thinking, you might as well suggest that everyone who was laid off and is unable to find a job should look to those "Second Amendment Remedies" and march down with their guns to their previous employer or any employer who posts a job opening and "DEMAND A JOB, OR ELSE!" 
"And these programs that you mentioned -- that Obama has going with Reid and Pelosi pushing them forward -- are all entitlement programs built to make government our God. And that’s really what’s happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We’re supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government."  So, when it comes to the rights of women and young girls who have been raped and abused, we invoke God into the law to protect the right of an unborn child, but when it comes to people who are homeless, have no job, have no food for themselves or their children, this is when people are on their own.  There is no "sanctity of life" for those who are without food or shelter in the richest nation in the world?  If we are to depend on God for our protection, then there is no need for the military, police, National Guard, Homeland Security, FBI, or CIA, to name a few.  If we are to depend on God for our provision and our daily bread, then why are you seeking a Government job, and if elected, are you going to waive your salary?

I hope that this post has given you some food for thought.  I don't claim to be an expert or have all the answers.  But, I am a proponent of challenging what people do and say when they are running for political office.  A job that can have such devastating consequences to millions of Americans when the wrong people are elected needs to be vetted a heck of a lot more by the voters than in the past.  Don't take anything candidates on either party have to say at face value.  If the candidate is an incumbent, you have their voting record to judge their true beliefs.  If they are newly seeking office, more than ever you need to research their past statements and actions in their personal and professional lives and see how that demonstrates their ability to take on such an important job and responsibility that has the needs of their constituents their first priority.
For your convenience, here are the links to see the voting record of your Senate and House Representatives:

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