

Saturday, March 8, 2014

World War I in Pictures- The February Revolution (which actually took place beginning 8 March 1917).

Soldiers ride down a street in Petrograd during the outbreak of the revolution 1917.  This Day in History: Mar 8, 1917: February Revolution begins

The February Revolution began as a series of riots protesting food shortages and the ongoing unpopular war. Tsar Nicholas II ordered the Dumas (the Russian Parliament) disbanded. Members of the Dumas refused to obey the dissolution order. When Nicholas called on the army to put down the rioters, the army mutinied. Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. A provisional government was formed, the most influential member being Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky.  Pictured above:  Soldiers ride down a street in Petrograd during the outbreak of the revolution

A riot in Petrograd over a food scarcity.

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