

Monday, May 13, 2013

Documentary- "Hitler's Bodyguard:How Hitler's Bodyguard Worked, Episode 1"

Hitler's ability to convince people through the power of his speeches lead to the growing masses of followers but also a growing number of enemies who wanted to see an end to his life.  In the three years following World War I, there were over 380 political assassinations in Germany as a result of the unrest and fight for power.  Because of this climate, Hitler knew from early on that he would need to protect himself from rival political gangs.  The first formation of Hitler's security force was made up of ex-soldiers and beer hall brawlers and was named the Sturmabteilung, or Storm Battalion and was abbreviated SA.  Because any formation of a paramilitary group was outlawed, they were referred to as "The Gymnastics and Sports Division" of the new Nazi Party.  In November of 1921, Hitler spoke to a group largely made up of Communists when a brawl broke out and Hitler was shot at  This group of storm troopers not only would provide for Hitler's protection, but they would be the force needed to win the battle in the streets between rival political gangs.  The group became known as, "The Brown Shirts"

Adolf Hitler caused the death of over 50 million people during his rise to power and reign as the ultimate leader of the Third Reich.  During his tenure, he went from a group of 8 bodyguards to a size of thousands.  He cheated death and avoided falling victim in over 40 assassination attempts on his life from his days as a politician through his final days as Fuhrer.  How did he manage to escape so many attempts on his life unscathed?  It was a combination of relying on his inner circle of bodyguards who had been loyal to him till the end, as well as a growing paranoia that grew so strong that he was forever changing his travel plans, methods of transport and confiding in few people as to what his true feelings on any given subject really were.  It turns out that he was justified in his fears and paranoia, for in the end, those whom Hitler held in highest regard would turn on him in the waning days of World War II.


• From the early days, Hitler’s personal security involved concentric circles: an eight-man SS Begleitkommando (Escort Command) at the core, a regiment of elite SS troops (the Leibstandarte, or “bodyguard,” SS Adolf Hitler) to protect his residences and offices, and the Führerschutzkommando (Führer Protection Command), which evolved into the Reichssicherheitsdienst (Reich Security Service, or RSD), responsible for overall security and advance work.
• Besides encouraging rivalries among his various security services, Hitler relied on irregular habits and unexpected schedule changes to foil assassination attempts

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