

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kokology: Cinderella Story

Kokology- [Japanese, kokoro, mind, spirit, feelings + Greek, logia, the study of] 1. A series of psychological games designed to uncover emotional and behavioral traits of the players  2.  A popular term for the interpretation of the hidden meanings of human behavior and situational responses -- kokologist n -- kokological - adj -- kokologize v

"When we set out to develop Kokology, our first and foremost goal was to make it fun.  After all, who in their right mind would want to play a game that isn't?  The basic concept was already there --- or plan was to create a game where people would imagine themselves in everyday situations and unusual scenarios and respond to simple questions.  The answers are interpreted from a psychological perspective and tell us something about the way that person's mind works.  It's kind of like a Rorschach test that uses words instead of inkblots". -- Tadahiko Nagao
 Eight Tips For Playing Kokology
  1. Say the first thing that pops into your head.  The game works best if you don't hesitate or agonize over your choice of words.  There is no right or wrong answer.
  2. Play with other people if you can. 
  3. Don't try to predict the answer. 
  4. Be honest with yourself.  Kokology may be only a game, but like any good game, it can teach you something about yourself if you let it.  Don't be afraid to accept the truth when a minor fault or shortcoming of yours is exposed. 
  5. Be prepared.  Some of the quizzes will ask you to write something down or draw a picture, so it's a good idea to have a pen or pencil and some paper handy before you start. 
  6. Don't read ahead.  Don't be tempted to skew your answers by peeking at the interpretations.  What fun is that?
  7. Watch people's reactions (including your own).
  8. Keep an open mind.    As in life, it's important when playing Kokology to keep things in perspective.  There are no correct answers and there is more than one way of reading any situation.   
Kokology, The Game of Self-Discovery by Tadahiko Nagoo and Isamu Saito  ©1998.  Pages 70-72.

 Cinderella Costume worn by Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella in the Annie Liebowitz series, from Disney Dream Portrait Series by Barry Wallis, via Flickr

Cinderella Story

The rags-to-riches story of a girl whose dreams come true.  Cinderella is one of the classic fairy tales in world literature.  Of all the memorable scenes in the tale, which one stands out in your mind?

1. Cinderella suffering at the hands of her wicked stepmother.
2. Cinderella being transformed into a beautiful princess by her fairy godmother.
3. Cinderella losing her slipper on the steps to the palace as the clock strikes midnight.
4.  The scene where the prince finally finds her and fits the glass slipper on her foot.

Don't read ahead before you make your choice!

Key to Cinderella Story

Why do you react so strongly to the scene you picked?  A closer look at the elements of each scene tells us your choice is related to your greatest character weakness or flaw.

1.  Cinderella suffering at the hands of her wicked stepmother.
The thought of poor Cinderella scrubbing the floors while her stepmother and sisters showered her with abuse evokes strong feelings of pity.  But on the underside of pity lie feelings of superiority and pride.  You remember this scene for the way it made you feel better than someone.  It's good for you to be able to look down at others with a tender eye, but be wary of your tendency to look down on them all the time.

2. Cinderella being transformed into a beautiful princess by her fairy godmother.
With a wave of her magic wand, her fairy godmother makes Cinderella into an enchanted princess and changes her world forever.  But here in the real world, things are not so easy to do.  Your biggest faults are your blindness to the practical questions in life and your lack of attention to planning and consequences.  You seem to forget that there are no fairy godmothers waiting to save you from the problems you create for yourself.

3. Cinderella losing her slipper on the steps to the palace as the clock strikes midnight.
This scene left a strong impression on you because it played upon your sense of dependency on others.  It's easy to see yourself running out at the stroke of midnight, leaving behind nothing but problems and unanswered questions.  In the short term, relying on others to clean up your messes may seem like the easy way through life, but one day you're going to have to face the music.

 4.  The scene where the prince finally finds her and fits the glass slipper on her foot.
Almost  everybody loves a happy ending, and you count yourself among them.  And therein lies your problem.  You're too easily satisfied with the simple, the normal, and the average.  All you expect from life is an average job, an average salary, average friends, average family, average kids...Work on discovering more of what makes you unique and original.  Remember, you're an individual, even if you don't feel like one. 

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