

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pop Culture History- The Twinkie is first baked on 6 April 1930.

1930: THE TWINKIE. The first Twinkie bounced out of the ovens at Continental Baking Co. in River Forest on April 6, 1930. Plant manager James Dewar was looking to create a cheap, two-for-a nickel snack. So he grabbed some shortcake pans and got cookin'. Dewar got the name from a billboard for Twinkle Toe Shoes. He shortened it to Twinkies, and the rest is snack food history.
Twinkies were first baked on 6 April 1930. The original Twinkies had a banana cream filling. When bananas were rationed during WWII they changed to a cream filling. It was more popular so they never changed back. 

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