

Sunday, April 6, 2014

World War II in Pictures- First group of 664 Japanese-Americans was evacuated from San Francisco on 6 April 1942.

San Francisco, California. The family unit in kept intact in various phases of evacuation of persons of Japanese ancestry. …A view at Wartime Civil Control Administration station, 2020 Van Ness Avenue, on April 6, 1942, when first group of 664 was evacuated from San Francisco. The family unit likewise is preserved in War Relocation Authority centers where evacuees will spend the duration
San Francisco, California:  A view at Wartime Civil Control Administration station, 2020 Van Ness Avenue, on April 6, 1942, when first group of 664 persons of Japanese ancestry was evacuated from San Francisco. The family unit is preserved in War Relocation Authority centers where evacuees will spend the duration of the war.

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